I thought, since Mom invited all of us to contribute to Plautz Family Adventures, that I could post weekly about the doings of our {little} branch of the family. Initially, I contemplated just re-posting entries from
my own blog, but decided that this is an audience which would be more interested in actual life events, and less interested in
our TV preferences. Personally, I find our day-to-day lives a little boring. Boring to describe, that is. Not at all boring to live. I even used to label all posts about life events "boring life stuff" on my personal blog, until I found it too depressing and started using the tag "adventures" instead.
But now, on to some actual content. Our week in review:
Monday, April 12: Christian and I celebrate our second anniversary. {Does it seem two years since our wedding to you? It certainly doesn't to me. Time flies when you're married to the awesomest guy in the world.} We first go to Christian's opening softball game of the season. His team loses miserably, but we both have fun. Afterward, we clean ourselves up and eat dinner at the CKF, which, for those of you previously unaware or forgetful, is our acronym for the Cheesecake Factory. You can see pictures of Christian getting bored with my incessant need to point a camera at him
Tuesday, April 13: We watch LOST. {You didn't think you would get away with absolutely no television commentary, did you? Because it seriously makes up such a significant portion of our lives.} We enjoy the explosions.
Saturday, April 17: After the rest of our pleasantly slow week, we borrow my sister Alice's minivan and head to North Topsail beach with our friends Rochelle, Joel, Jeremy and Stephanie. An incredible {albeit chilly -- the weather hasn't quiet warmed up enough to go ocean-swimming} time is had by all, and no one gets even slightly sunburned.
Sunday, April 18: Christian and I are so hungry at church that we feel as though our stomachs are eating themselves. We race out at the end of the third hour, only to find Christian's car battery dead. We each take turns saying "blerg." We hitch a ride home, and I make us some wicked good steaks. Our hunger satisfied, we return with Christian's former roommate Wade to jump-start Christian's car.
And that's it for this past week. There's really not a lot going on with us, if I leave out the bulk of our TV watching {and it
is bulky -- 23 shows total this season}, which is how I like it. Little drama makes for a happy life.
Tune in next week when I describe... well, I don't know yet, because it hasn't happened yet. Ooh, suspense!