Monday, September 21, 2009
Another Plautz Wedding!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
We are Buyng a House!
About a month or so ago, I had the thought that we really ought to take advantage of the $8000 first home purchase tax credit this year. I am so ready to not rent anymore, and have a home of my very own.
We fear change. Or at least, as we get older, we like to keep things predictable. So, we figured out how much of a house payment we could afford, and therefore the most we could have for a mortgage on a house. Then, we decided that we wanted to stay pretty much in the same area. Same schools, same ward...oh and the perk of the church being within walking distance is a great thing too. Those two criteria meant that we would be looking for a townhouse within a two mile radius from where we are now.
We looked at town houses and found one we thought would work pretty well that was just up the street from us. The day we looked at the house one more time to see if we were ready to make an offer, I had a terrible sick and nervous feeling, the same that I get when the spirit tells me to STOP.
Doug and I talked about my feelings of warning and he told me that he just felt that he didn't want to move into a townhouse, because it felt so much like an apartment. Doug also said that maybe we needed to pray to know where the Lord wanted us to be instead of us telling him where we wanted to be and hope he'd make us feel good about it.
So, we decided to have me look at single houses in two communities where they are more affordable. All of a sudden I realized that I no longer felt sick any more.
To make a long story short, Catherine came with me on Saturday, August the 8th and we looked at 8 properties. She helped me get the list to 3. Doug and I, with the two boys on Monday this week went to see the final three. We all agreed that the first house we saw (which was Catherine and mine's favorite) was the best house for us. A few more prayers later and we were ready to make an offer on the house.
They accepted our offer on Wednesday and on Thursday we had a signed contract for 217 Ashdale Drive in Fuquay-Varina. Below is a short video using the photos from the MLS listing on line.
We sold 211 Laurie Lane almost four years ago; and that was a very hard thing for me. I wasn't sure how long it would be before we could own our own home again. But, the Lord has blessed us so much, especially in the last year and a half. Eric's faithfulness in serving has also blessed our family. I know this blessing is in part due to his dedication to missionary service.
This IS where the Lord wants us to be and although it means huge changes for our family, we are excited to begin this new adventure.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
You Can't "Over Love" Your Son!
Daniel attended his junior prom, which, if I am not mistaken, was also his first date. I am fairly certain that both Christian and Michael went on their first date to prom as well. That is actually kind of interesting since Doug and mine's first date was the winter formal dance back in high school.
Daniel asked a girl named Ashley to attend the prom with him. The school geneology makes this interesting, as Ashley played Daniel's daughter in last year's spring musical Bye, Bye Birdie. Several friends from the chorus paired together and they spent the prom experience together as a group. A good time was had by all.
Last Thursday, we attended the last choral concert of the year. By assignment, the choral director, Mr. Benson, had the students break up into groups for a project which goal was to have them learn how to create basic harmonies and make a simple arrangement based upon popular television commercial jingles. Some of these were quite interesting...
The videos I have uploaded are not fantastic, as they were taken with my cell phone, that does not have a zoom feature. Also, the sound was pretty far away...but you'll get the gist.
The first video is Daniel's group doing the Charmin Bathroom Tissue commercial. You know, the one with the bears. Daniel is the first one on the stage. That's right, the one with the toilet paper on his shoe.
The second video is the entire chorus performing the Fruit of the Loom comercial theme "You Can't Over Love Your Underwear". Daniel is the featured soloist in the cowboy hat.
Back in April, Daniel also appeared in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. He had a major role, once again being cast as a more comedic character. I must say, he executes these types of roles quite well. Unfortunately, this abilty runs extensively in the family. He was the "suck up" newphew to the president of the company. He really was the stand out of the show, and this is based on many opinions of those who are not even related to him.
For some reason, I cannot find the file of the few photos that I took during the show. When I find them, I will post them.
We have spent a few evenings going to see Daniel play bass guitar in a band called Minor Inconvenience. They perform original music, mostly written at this time by Daniel Greco (Cary 1st Ward) who is playes rhythm guitar. They are quite good and are really coming into their own. Below is a great photo of him at Jam Fest.
Click here for their page on My Space where you can read the "biography" (and I use that term loosely) of the group and listen to some of their tunes.
Well, I am done for now with this feature on my very talented and all around sweet boy, Daniel.
Monday, March 30, 2009
A Little Trip
A week and a half ago, I took a few days to go to New Bern to help watch the cute little girls so that Elizabeth could get some painting done on her house. Both Elizabeth and Charlotte were sick. They BOTH had ear infections among other disagreeable symptoms. Here is a video of Charlotte and Amelia, with a short cameo appearance of Elizabeth.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
That being said, here are 10 Things that are on my mind today.
- I am tired. I have no idea why I have been so tired lately, as I am actually sleeping more consecutive hours of the night than usual.
- I am cold and I cannot get warm. I don't think anyone would wonder why, considering the weather as of late. Alex woke up late and so I had to drive him to school. There was frost all over the car, so I had to srape it off with an old gift card. I couldn't feel my thumbs for about 15 minutes.
- I am happy that Elizabeth and Erik have begun to settle in their new home in Beaufort with Erik's mom, but I am sad that it is further away. And, I miss those cute little girls.
- I am so grateful to have a job that is seemingly "recession proof". People are (thankfully) still getting married and are still willing to pay me to make their wedding cake. (I don't think this one counts as cake talk)
- It bothers me that my sister, Colleen, gave me these awesome huggable hangers for Christmas, and I have not yet had the time to organize my closet with them. Any volunteers to help me? I'll buy Dairy Queen or Goodberrys to anyone who steps forward.
- Doug and I have been watching THE OFFICE on Netflix Instant View. We can't get enough of this show, so we started back with Season One again and are now a few episodes into Season Three for the second time. It is funnier every time we see it. The writing is so consistent and you can see in the earlier episodes forshadowing of things to come. Clever.
- Recently, the boy who played Captain von Trapp to my Maria in our Senior High School musical production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC found me on face book. I want to write him back, but I keep putting it off. I have to say, I had a big crush on him early in high school (before Doug), so it didn't hurt that I got to kiss him for the show. This has been a sore spot with Doug for all these years. You see, Doug played the priest who marries Maria and the Captain, so I had to kiss this guy in front of Doug every night during the rehearsals and the show. He actually "acted" jealous (in that over dramatized way so as to appear as if he was kidding) when I told him the other night. So maybe, I haven't written because I am afraid of being a flirt. Is that even possible? I am not sure I remember how to flirt. I used to be quite good at it.
- I can't decide what to make for dinner tonight. It has to be easy with a fast clean up. Any thoughts?
- I miss Eric.
- I love Douglas.
Thanks for listening. Have a great day!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
On this day, 42 years Ago

On January 14, 1967, I was baptized. I was eight years old. It was freezing cold and I had to share my baptism with an entire family who was joining the church. I remember thinking at the time that I didn't like it. That whole family took the attention off of me. I wanted attention. There were so many people in attendance, but even I knew at eight years old that they weren't there for me. Humpf!
I am glad that I got baptized. It was the best decision that I had made so far in my life. I wouldn't make another great decision like that until 7th grade when I decided to pretend that my name was really Sarah.
I have learned to like my name. I have decided that "SALLY" is a friendly name. I am friendly.
I guess being baptized was really still a better decision than lying about my name.
The End.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
From Mary: I Am
I know: I can do some pretty cool things.
I want: to own my own house again.
I have: the greatest family EVER!
I hate: when time or money is wasted.
I miss: Eric (my missionary son).
I feel: happiest when my family is around.
I hear: the rattling of the fan and the “caw-ing” of the birds.
I smell: cake.
I crave: romantic moments with my husband.
I search: for beach houses for this summer.
I love: my sweetheart Doug.
I care: that my children are happy.
I always: procrastinate taking a shower.
I believe: that I am responsible for my own happiness.
I sing: because I MUST!
I write: letters to my son, and emails to my friends.
I lose: my temper when I am stressed.:(
I win: because I have so much for which I am thankful.
I never: take enough time for myself.
I listen: to anyone who needs to “just talk”.
I am scared: that my body feels so old at only 50.
I need: to be more organized.
I am happy about: being a grandmother to the cutest little girls in the world.
I tag: Catherine and Elizabeth
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2008 - A Year in Review
January – 1) Christian proposes marriage to Mary Cunningham! A spring wedding is planned. Very exciting! 2) My most excellent execution of a surprise birthday celebration for Doug’s 50th birthday. Family and dear friends met at Bentleys restaurant for great food and a good hearted roast of Doug. It was brilliantly M.C.'d by Christian Plautz. Catherine was a fantastic support with clever invitations and party favors among other things.
March – 1)A FULL TIME JOB! Doug is hired by Wake Technical Community College as their Safety Officer. It’s a job he loves, and they love him. And, the best part is health benefits and a pension plan. 2)Elizabeth and Erik tell us they are expecting baby number 2.
April – On April 12th Christian Michael Plautz marries Mary Ellen Cunningham at the Raleigh NC Temple. We are delighted to welcome Mary to our family. We are thrilled to have another daughter. We can see how much they are M.F.E.O. (made for each other)
May – the celebration of my father, Joseph Barney’s 80th birthday. We gathered at the Olive Garden for the event.
August – 1) the joyful return of Elder Michael Plautz from the Colorado Denver North Mission. 2)a most wonderful and relaxing week at our favorite beach front condo at North Myrtle Beach where we learned that Eric would serve in the Georgia Macon mission beginning in November.
September – the successful taking of the new Plautz Family Portrait by our favorite photographer, Nina Perkins.
November – 1)the exciting arrival of Charlotte Eleanore Lewis, our 2nd grand-child. I was able to be there for her birth, and traveled back and forth to New Bern, in between wedding cake weekends to lend a hand to Erik and Elizabeth. We were able to have all 15 of us together for Charlotte's blessing day. It would be the last time for two years because...2)we had the departure of Elder Eric Alan Plautz on his very first airplane trip to the Provo, Utah MTC to begin his 2 year mission in the Georgia Macon Mission. 3)a most excellent Thanksgiving celebration with our entire family, minus the young Elder Plautz.
December – a wonderful Christmas with our family and the opportunity to talk with Elder Plautz on the telephone. He is currently serving in the Savannah Georgia area, which I Google Mapped and learned is only 5 ½ hours away! Holy Cow! That is close.