Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Music of the Night

Last night our darling brother Alex had his last concert of his seventh grade career. Let me first say that I can't believe the little Prince/Special-Olympics Baby is almost 14! It was only yesterday that he was coming out of the bathroom at Laurie Lane with one glove on saying, "I'm Michael Jackson!" or donning sunglasses stating, "I'm the government." Which also reminds me that Christian educated him as to who really killed JFK {the government}. Needless to say he has grown up to quite the squeaky-voice, first pimple-having, always hugging tween.

We all gathered in the Holly Ridge gymnasium (yes, you read that right) for a night of middle school magic. First up was the jazz band. Hearing them I couldn't help but reminisce about the jazz band from our West Lake days. Mom and I agreed that it was phenomenal and Mr. Atkinson was the BEST! The little drummer boy was timid in his cymbal-tapping and almost looked afraid to do his drum rolls. Next came the 6th grade band. My favorite piece was one called Lizards! But mostly because in the middle of it Mom started uncontrollably laughing and finally pointed out to me that for each and every song the band director compiled what she called "Program Notes." These consisted of either a mini book report (all excerpts that seemingly came from Wikipedia) or words that requested emotions to be felt while listening to the music. Her laughter came from the aforementioned song's notes. Here's a taste:

"Lizards! is a musical representation of the reptiles characterized by a sleek body, scaly skin, tail and four legs. Many of these creatures live in hot, dry regions of the world, but they may also be found in rain forests, prairies, marshes, streams, underground burrow and rocky areas. [uh, so basically anywhere]...The fascinating part to observe is how quickly some of the creature scamper over logs, rocks, tree trunks and the open ground. Lizards! simply tries to capture some of the many facets of the remarkable reptiles."

And then came the beloved 7th graders. Alex was so adorable with his little band mates! There were many of them which produced a beautiful sound. Mom and I could point out the parts that we heard Alex practice over and over again. Overall the 7th grade band was the best. Thankfully they didn't have any song called Lizards! but they did do a swell medley called Disney's Magical Marches which Mom and I sang a little too loudly Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and the Mickey Mouse Club theme song. So thinking that we could leave after the 7th graders, Daniel and I made plans. Then we realized that they trap you by combining all of the bands and playing what the band director called "The Grand Finale" which I will subtitle with, "ha, ha, we trapped you here for 2 hours and you hafta sit through this last one."

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